Most people think mediators settle cases. That’s not correct. Mediators create a forum where opposing parties can bring their conflicting ideas and emotions into an environment where they can settle their dispute. Our firm has experience representing clients in mediation and acting as an independent mediator.

Our firm has acted as a mediator in civil disputes for over twenty years.

We understand how it feels for a client to wait for a jury trial or arbitrator’s decision that cannot be controlled as well as the financial and emotional strain litigation places on individuals. We also have experience litigating complex civil cases, and we understand the needs and concerns of clients.

We believe a mediator should act as a facilitator. We are not afraid to ask tough questions, and we believe it is the job of the mediator to point out the risks, as well as the rewards, of litigation to all parties. A mediation with our firm will not fail because of a lack of energy, persistence, resolve, or hard work.


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